Kamis, 04 Juli 2013

Nikon P7100 Review : An Advanced Digital Camera

Nikon P7100 is a stylish and durable new model. It is an improvement over P7000. There are some new features in it but is basically offering the same quality image, manually controlled digital camera that was there in P7000. It is having the looks which are very much similar with the old version. However a significant improvement is made in its screen. It can be slanted downwards and upward but is able to take the same size 3 inch image. This has greatly helped the people when they are taking the pictures that are trickier for example things which are high above or low down. It consists of a rotator multi-selector, a means by which you can give special effect, second function button and faster response time. Thus you can get an excellent quality image by means of it.

Nikon P7100is an advanced digital camera, it gives a pleasing experience to all those who are passionate for becoming a photographer. You will have to give some time for understanding its features but once you have understood it, you will definitely enjoy taking shoots, as this will give you endless creativity and efficiency which you expect from a digital camera. It offers great styles, and consists of a rugged design which helps you to hold the camera comfortably. It has an optical view finder which provides an 80% view; this feature is seldom seen in Nikon digital cameras. It has various options which are very useful that provide a lot of flexibility and control, thus amazing shots can be taken by using it.

The menu which is provided with this Nikon camera is easy to use and comprehensive too. The various color options are available such as standard, vivid, neutral and black and white. You can also adjust the sharpness, contrast and saturation. The button named 1 and 2 can be used to set the preferences as per your need. The focusing speed and the shutter speed are faster in Nikon P7100 as compared to earlier version of Nikon. It uses the means of EXCEED C2 technology to process the image and thus it is easier to grab the image and all its details. If you want to shoot continuously than it provides the same facility as the earlier version.

The video shooting speed provided by Nikon P7100 is 1280*720 at 24fps provides excellent sound effect, zooming option and low shutter noise. It delivers image quality which is precise and sharp. Its noise reduction feature is beneficial as you can get clear picture that is not containing any imbalances and abnormalities. It consists of 7.1x zooming angle, this provides greater accuracy. VR image stabilization is the feature which helps in preventing the image from getting blurred.

if you want to look for the best digital camera buying guide, simply click here.

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